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Episode 2- Email and Content Marketing Strategies with Liz Willits

Liz Willits is a rockstar email and content marketer with more than 9 years of professional experience with SaaS and email marketing. Here's a gist of what she shares in this podcast:

  1. How to build email lists and measure the success of email campaigns
  2. How to create engaging content and drive traffic
  3. How to rank on Google search engine results page
  4. And, her expert tips to marketing leaders on fueling their marketing engine
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4 Episodes

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Episode 5 : The Email Deliverability Chat

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Episode 4- AMP Emails - The Next Frontier with Mark Robbins

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Episode 3- AMP Emails : The Future of Email Marketing with Jay Oram

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Episode 2- Email and Content Marketing Strategies with Liz Willits