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Episode 4- AMP Emails - The Next Frontier with Mark Robbins

Tune into this chat about AMP emails with Mark Robbins, Experimental Email Developer @ Salesforce and Mailmodo to learn more about:

✅ The real-world AMP email use cases that Mark and Mailmodo are uncovering every day ✅ The engagement possibilities that come to life via AMP emails: why AMP emails are not just about forms and widgets inside the email ✅The Salesforce view on this emerging email frontier ✅ Real results from real Mailmodo customers

Episode Notes


Mark’s email journey


What is an interactive email?


Salesforce’s view on AMP and interactive emails


How privacy-centric and secure is AMP?


The most frequently asked questions on AMP


Emerging industries and use-cases of AMP


Difference between interactive HTML emails and AMP


Myth-busting around security aspects of AMP


Future of AMP

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4 Episodes

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Episode 5 : The Email Deliverability Chat

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Episode 4- AMP Emails - The Next Frontier with Mark Robbins

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Episode 3- AMP Emails : The Future of Email Marketing with Jay Oram

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Episode 2- Email and Content Marketing Strategies with Liz Willits