

Gather feedback to level up your business

👉 Fill a survey or form in the email
👉 Add live ratings, reviews, stars or badges
👉 Conduct a poll and show the answer in real-time

Ease up feedback collection with Mailmodo

Create in minutes

Use our no-code email editor to create interactive email forms, polls, and surveys.

Send via email

Deliver the feedback form to your customers' inboxes using an integrated email platform.

Collect responses

Customers can fill up the feedback forms without leaving their inboxes, thanks to AMP emails.

Get more feedback using forms inside email

Pick a feedback email template

Browse our email templates library to pick a feedback email template that best suits your campaign needs.

  • ⚡ 50+ pre-made form templates
  • ⚡ Both AMP & HTML format support
  • ⚡ Responsive & customizable
free email templates

Customize with a no-code editor

Use the integrated drag-and-drop template editor to customize your feedback email template.

  • ⚡ Embed form to collect feedback
  • ⚡ Save content blocks for reusability
  • ⚡ Add logo, brand colors, and copy

Personalize the email

Send highly targeted and relevant emails to your customers to increase your email response rate.

  • ⚡ Personalize subject lines, copy, images, and CTA
  • ⚡ Use conditional logic to show suitable questions
  • ⚡ Customize form steps based on responses

Send instantly or automate

Send the feedback email campaign instantly or use our integrated email automation platform to deliver emails based on custom events.

  • ⚡ Send instantly or schedule the campaign
  • ⚡ Trigger emails based on website events
  • ⚡ Create automation flows using journey builder

Collect the data

Collect the customer feedback responses and other campaign metrics directly from the analytics dashboard.

  • ⚡ Collect customer responses in real-time
  • ⚡ See campaign metrics on an hourly and daily basis
  • ⚡ View open rates, bounces, clicks, and more
email performance analytics

Export the data

Connect Mailmodo with other marketing tools to export your data from the platform.

  • ⚡ Export responses collected to spreadsheets
  • ⚡ Export campaign data via APIs and other integrations
  • ⚡ Use Zapier to link Mailmodo with other tools
Start getting more feedback responses without much effort

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Email Marketing High Performer High Performer
Email Marketing High Performer High Performer
Email Marketing High Performer High Performer
Speak with our experts to explore how Mailmodo can help you