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How to Humanize Your Brand by Building a Community

We went live with Daisy Morris, Founder of The Selfhood, and learned all about building a community that champions your brands. Tune into the conversation and find out -

  • What is the difference between a community and an audience?
  • How do you leverage your internal team and influencers to build a community?
  • How to create engaging spaces on Discord, Slack, and WhatsApp?

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How to Humanize Your Brand by Building a Community

Daisy Morris shares her experience and insights about how putting a face to a brand can make it more relatable and how community-building is the key to long-run success instead of audience-building.

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The Email Deliverability Chat

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The Art of Writing a Perfect B2B Email Newsletter

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How to Achieve Increased Conversions with Email A/B Testing

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